

I love spending time in the kitchen and I hope to help you find the love too!

- Erin

Year 1

Year 1

One year ago, I clicked publish. It has been very different than what I imagined. As someone who loves behind the scenes details, I’ve written a few of the lessons I’ve learned over the last year. My naivety led to the majority of these ‘surprises’ and I thought you might find it entertaining.

What I thought it would be:

  • Keep cooking like I did before but just write it down and use a measuring cup

What it actually is:

  • Take twice as long to make a recipe you’ve could make in your sleep to ensure you are actually documenting it accurately

What I thought it would be:

  • Pause before eating to take a photo

What it actually is:

  • Eating a “dinner” at lunch on the weekends so I can get the shot with natural light. Spending another hour reviewing and editing.

What I thought it would be:

  • A couple extra hours a week

What it actually is:

  • 3-5+ hours a week to write, photograph, and write the post. Not to mention recipe testing during the week.

What I thought it would be:

  • Talking about what I love about cooking and hoping it inspires others

What it actually is:

  • Stressing about how to articulate my passion for cooking into a relatable post/video and wondering if anyone is listening.

After reading the statements above, you either think I’m about to quit this blog thing OR you think I’m crazy to keep it up. I LOVE doing this and I’ve absolutely thought about stopping when life is crazy. I have days when I think it’s too much. I get disappointed when I have to readjust my content calendar because I couldn’t keep with my outlandish post goals. It’s at those moments I remember, this is for fun and not my full-time job.

It is easy to get caught up in other people’s actions with social media and forget why you started. With this celebration of one year, I went back and re-read my introduction post. I want everyone to love cooking and that is why I started this thing. Let’s get back to those fundamentals, even I can help one person find that kitchen love.

Tip for beginners: Set aside 1-2 hours at some point during the week (morning, night, weekend) and have fun in the kitchen! Don’t stress about what you are making or if it will turn out. I’ve made some disgusting food, I’ve burned some food, and I’ve forgotten to add ingredients. like any new hobby, with practice, you’ll improve. If it usually seems like a chore, make a simple snack you will enjoy. Pick a recipe with just a few ingredients and just a few steps. Success can build confidence and confidence will let you relax and enjoy the cooking experience!

Now let’s see what year two brings.

10 Tips to Enjoy Cooking

10 Tips to Enjoy Cooking

Benefits of Arugula

Benefits of Arugula